Thank you to Directors Fred and John for their 25 years of service

02 December 2023

anniversary awards for directors

During our 25th AGM yesterday we surprised these two gentlemen with special crystal engraved clocks…


Fred Boyd (President) and John Stratton (Vice President) have both served as Harp and Crown Credit Union Board members for the entire 25 years we’ve been in operation!


AND that’s not all…Fred celebrated another special anniversary yesterday…20 years as President of the Harp and Crown Credit Union.  He was delighted to receive a specially engraved crystal £ plaque to mark the occasion. 

Thank you both for your contribution and long standing service to the Harp and Crown!

Thanks to Crystal Clear Glass Engravers, Lisburn Road, Belfast for the first class service once again.

The Harp and Crown Credit Union provides safe, secure, flexible finances for the wider police family in Northern Ireland.

Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit
regulator fca fcsc